Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Back on Campus 1

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Back on Campus

Location Woodlawn, MD

Client General Services Administration (GSA)

Services Construction Management

Project Value $100 Million

The CMS Headquarters Campus is a federally owned and operated facility in Woodlawn, MD. The 60-acre campus includes 4 interconnected buildings totaling 930,000 gross SF—the North Building, the South Building, the Central Building, and the Warehouse—as well as 2,961 surface parking spaces. The remainder of the site is green space, portions of which are designated wetlands and a wildlife refuge. The campus also features outdoor dining, walking trails, and benches for CMS staff and visitors. In accordance with the Affordable Care Act, GSA developed a master plan for CMS to consolidate leased space and bring employees back to the campus. The master plan also called for modernizing the campus facilities, originally built in the 1990s, with the latest spatial strategies, additional amenities, and new technologies. To deliver the renovations and improve the campus experience for CMS staff, GSA is undertaking the $100 million, multi-phase Back on Campus program.

Hill has provided construction management services for each phase of the renovation program. Our team has helped GSA achieve their major construction goals, including keeping the campus open and fully operational for the program’s duration.

Phase I

Phase I redeveloped multiple campus spaces and took place around temporary swing space, active elevators, and egress stairways. As Construction Manager as Agent (CMa), Hill managed design from the program of record and concept stages through the 100% construction documents submission. We also assisted GSA with the solicitation, evaluation, and award of the Construction Manager as Constructor (CMc) and Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) construction contract. Throughout construction, the Hill team worked closely with GSA and CMS staff to schedule construction activities in a way that minimized impacts to daily operations and tenant services.

Phase I encompassed $17 million distributed among three main work packages:

  • Center Building Lower-Level Cafeteria Seating Remodel: This 9,600 SF remodel took place on the lower level of the Central Building. The package included the demolition of existing ceilings, walls, and floor finishes and the addition of five conference rooms. New construction comprised the installation of interior drywall and glass partitions, movable partitions, sliding acoustic screens, specialty wall finishes, floor finishes, ceilings, and LED tunable color lighting. The project team also installed new electrical, fire and life safety, telecommunications, and audio-visual systems.
  • North Building Level 2 Office Remodel: Through this work package, GSA remodeled approximately 48,000 SF on the second level of the North Building. Renovations improved office spaces, common areas, and four restrooms. After demolishing existing ceilings, walls, and floor finishes, the project team installed new interior drywall and glass partitions, specialty wall finishes, floor finishes, ceilings, LED tunable color lighting, mechanical roller shades as a part of a new daylight-sensing system, an electrical system, a plumbing system, fire and life safety systems, a telecommunications system, an audio-visual system, and a white-noise system.
  • North Building Level 1 Data Center to Office Space Conversion: This 13,500 SF remodel converted a data center on the first level of the North Building into a general office area and a new data center security screening area. In addition to demolishing existing ceilings, walls, and floor finishes, the team installed new exterior windows cut into the precast- and poured-in-place concrete north wall, interior drywall and glass partitions, specialty wall finishes, floor finishes, ceilings, LED tunable color lighting, mechanical roller shades as part of a new daylight-sensing system, an electrical system, fire and life safety systems, a telecommunication system, an audio-visual system, and a white-noise system.

Construction was completed in December 2022. The project received GSA’s inaugural Construction Excellence Award for quality construction and management.

Phase II

Back on Campus Phase II comprised an approximately $13 million renovation of 42,000 SF of office and data center space, as well as renovations to the CMS Screening Station and Main Lobby. The upgrade created a modern work environment with efficient workspaces and collaboration spaces.

As CMa, Hill managed design through the 100% construction documents submission, conducting independent cost estimates and reconciling with the design team, reviewing design documents, and assisting GSA with the solicitation, evaluation, and subsequent award of the general contractor. Construction concluded in September 2024.

Phase III

Phase III of the Back on Campus program is a $40 million, design-build interior fit-out project. This phase will completely renovate the third floor of the North Building, approximately 65,000 SF. This includes restrooms, elevator lobbies, conference rooms, common areas, workstations, and interior offices. Phase III also includes the replacement of the North Building’s three passenger elevator systems. The project team will execute work in phases to better accommodate tenants adjacent to the construction activities. For the elevator replacement, the team will keep at least one elevator operational at any given time.

Hill is serving as the prime CMa for this project from the program of requirements stage through design-build procurement, design, construction, commissioning, and closeout. Hill is providing independent design reviews to include architect, interior design, life safety, mechanical, elevator, and commissioning subject matter expertise. At each submission, Hill is also conducting independent cost estimates to be reconciled with GSA, CMS, and the design-build contractor. Hill will also be on site full time to manage construction, which includes an early package for demolition and surveying, long-lead procurement, and the release of elevator equipment.

The design-build contract was awarded in August 2024 and construction is planned through April  2026.

Phase IV

The $24 million, design-bid-build CMS Back on Campus Phase IV project comprises a variety of interior renovations, including heating, ventilation, and air conditioning upgrades; mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) upgrades; and other building system upgrades. Additional scope items include parking lot hardscape and stormwater improvements, as well as the installation of electric vehicle charging stations. The team will complete all work while maintaining full CMS operations on campus.

Phase IV includes four main work packages:

  • Restroom Modernization: GSA’s project team will modernize 16 sets of restrooms in the Central Building (8 sets), South Building (6 sets), and auditorium (1 set). Each set includes a men’s and women’s restroom. The modernization will comprise demolition and renovations to upgrade interior finishes, fixtures, and MEP systems, as well as fire and life safety systems.
  • Employee Development Center (EDC): This package involves the redevelopment of office space in the Central Building into a dedicated learning and professional development space—the EDC. The new EDC will feature a large classroom to accommodate up to 84 people, 4 additional classrooms to accommodate 32 people each, 4 breakout rooms to accommodate 8 people each, a preparation room, a private office and workstation, and a storage room.
  • Parking Lot Renovations: Funded by the Inflation Reduction Act, this work package involves the replacement of select portions of the campus parking lot using permeable pavement materials with low embodied carbon. The project team will collaborate to identify the locations with the greatest potential impacts on site-wide stormwater management, while taking into account potential locations for electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), the remaining life expectancy of existing hardscape, and potential for tenant disruption. This package will also include the delivery of EVSE conduits and pull strings.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: Following the delivery of EVSE infrastructure, the project team will deliver multiple electric vehicle charging stations to accommodate approximately 20 government-owned electric vehicles.

For this project, Hill will leverage lessons learned from the previous three phases of the program to provide quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) during construction, prevent impacts to ongoing CMS operations, manage costs and change, and mitigate risk. Highlights of our QA/QC approach include engaging the contractor, GSA, CMS, and other stakeholders early to promote transparent quality expectations and expedite inspections, permitting, and approvals. To reduce impacts on operations, Hill will develop comprehensive signage, help plan the installation of demising walls, and monitor all indoor air quality measures throughout the project life cycle.

Construction is expected to commence in October 2025 and conclude in mid-2027.