

Industrial projects, and the challenges they pose, are as varied as their locations across the globe. Collectively, they are unlike projects in any other market sector and, as such, demand a unique and highly specific approach. Hill’s professionals are working in mining, pharmaceutical, and technology facilities in industrialized and emerging countries around the world. We know that successful management of industrial projects demands a detail-diligent approach, proactively managed by professionals with industry-specific experience, skills, and technical support. Our expertise doesn’t stop with the building itself. We also have the comprehensive know-how to help deliver the ancillary power, utility, roadway, and rail infrastructure that often accompany complex industrial projects.


Today’s manufacturing facilities are much more complex and sensitive than the assembly lines of the 20th century. Hill understands that modern manufacturing facilities house automated and robotic assembly machinery, state-of-the-art computing and communications equipment, and highly skilled people to maintain and operate 24-7. Hill’s manufacturing portfolio is as varied as the industry itself. Hill understands how to deliver these facilities as planned and within schedule, so production is up and running as soon possible.

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Hill has managed the delivery of mining and minerals processing facilities worldwide. Hill’s services are designed to enhance functionality, extend sustainability, and accommodate emerging extraction technologies. To accomplish this, Hill draws from a highly experienced, multi-disciplined pool of professionals and experts from around the globe. We offer unmatched technical expertise paired with a solutions-based mentality, resulting in professional, cost-effective, and high-quality management services tailored to fit the complexities of any mining or mineral processing project.

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Hill has provided construction management services and support to some of the world’s leading pharmaceutical research and manufacturing firms. We’ve also provided critical staff augmentation services for multi-billion-dollar capital programs, where our seamless team of contract administrators, material and equipment purchasing analysts, expeditors, project controls specialists, and construction contract auditors who worked with in-house staff to collectively meet—and exceed—program goals.

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Columbus Regional Airport Authority Data Center

The continued growth and increasing demands of the technology industry present a multitude of challenges to the design, construction, and development of mission critical facilities. Driven by unique needs for specialized production, growth, and information exchange, such facilities require an interdisciplinary construction management team that understands a client’s need for control, security, safety, communication, and production. Hill has managed a wide-range of Information Technology-based facilities in locations around the world, including traditional data centers, computational research facilities, traffic management centers, trading and call centers, airport security control centers, and emergency-response facilities.

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